
Supporting student learning for UG1 + UG2 students at the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh

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What is InfBase

InfBase is a drop-in helpdesk for year-1 and year-2 students to get additional tutoring and support with their specific course content.

InfBase is run by students in higher years with of expertise and who offer 1-on-1 support and advice on core pre-honours courses in Informatics. In addition to supporting drop-in assistance, InfBase can be used as a place to work together with other students, with support from an InfBase tutor.

Some sessions will run in Appelton Tower 7.03 (7th floor). Please check the below schedule for reference.

If you have suggestions and feedback for InfBase, please let us know how we are doing.

InfBase helps you with the following courses

Semester 1:

Semester 2:


Regular InfBase sessions start in Week 3 of the semester and will run until the end of revision week. Each session is supported by a tutor that can help your with some courses.

Below is a detailed schedule where you can find which of the above mentioned courses the tutor is best able to help you with. However, every tutor can help with all courses.

InfBase schedule 2023_24 S2